Method of test for compressive strength of spun concrete 旋转捣实混凝土的抗压强度试验方法
Incompletely compacted concrete 捣实不足的混凝土
Standard test methods for calibration of laboratory mechanical - rammer soil compactors 实验室机械捣实土壤压实器校准的标准试验方法
Standard classification of fireclay and high - alumina plastic refractories and ramming mixes 耐火粘土及高矾土的塑性耐火材料及捣实混合物的标准分类
Standard practice for preparing test specimens from basic refractory ramming products by pressing 用压力法从捣实碱性耐火产品中制备试验样品的标准实施规程
Alumina powder - part 2 : determination of physical properties - 3 : untamped density and tamped density 矾粉.第2部分:物理性能的测定.第3节:未捣实及捣实的密度
Advanced technical ceramics . methods of test for ceramic powders . part 9 : determination of untamped bulk density 高级陶瓷.陶瓷粉末的试验方法.第9部分:非捣实堆积密度测定
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - cold and tepid ramming pastes - determination of rammability of unbaked pastes 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微热捣实糊料.非烤糊料的可压实性测定
Testing of carbon materials - preparation of samples of carbonaceous tamping materials and determination of their bulk density - solid binders and impregnants 碳素材料试验.含碳捣实材料试样的备制和体积密度的测
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - cold and tepid ramming pastes - preparation of baked test pieces and determination of loss on baking 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微热捣实糊料.焙烧试样的制备和焙烤时损失的测定