带有色眼镜看问题 look at things through coloured spectacles- take a distorted view of sth
You have traded an angle to look at the question 你换个角度看问题了吗?
Or look at the question this way - - 或者换个角度看问题- -
If you can think from others point of view , you can resolve your conflict better 如果换个角度看问题,就可以更好的解决冲突了。
Duo " processor listed no doubt that the advancement of technology . but from another perspective , from the market point of view 。 who is the winner in their war “酷睿”处理器的上市无疑意味著科技的进步。但当我们换个角度看问题的时候,从市场角度而言,这场战争谁是赢?呢?