

  • coping down



  • 例句与用法
  • It is forbidden to build kilns , graves or houses on cultivated land or to dig sand , collect stones , do mining and carry soil away from cultivated land
  • Article 37 people ' s governments at the county and township levels should give support and assistance in fetch of sand , stone , earth or water for road maintenance
  • Article 20 the local people ' s governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the control over such production activities as mining , earth - fetching , sand - digging and quarrying , so as to prevent soil erosion
  • Article 47 no sand collection , stone query , earth digging or waste dumping , explosive operations and other activities that would threaten the safety of roads , road bridges , road tunnels and road ferries is allowed within the perimeter of 200 meters of large and medium - sized road bridges or ferries and within a perimeter of 100 meters above road tunnels or outside the mouths of road tunnels and within a certain distance on both sides of the roads
  • Article 34 in the case of earth - fetching , sand - digging or quarrying in areas in danger of land - collapsing or land - sliding or where mud - rock flow is liable to occur , as designated by the local people ' s government at or above the county level , the department of water administration under the people ' s government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the above law - breaking acts and the adoption of remedial measures , and shall also impose a fine
  • Article 28 no unit or individual is allowed to intrude or collect fees illegally for the use of state owned waste hills , wasteland or for the digging of sand , stone or earth from the state owned waste hills , wasteland , river beds and poulders for highway construction only if necessary procedures as provided for by related laws and administrative decrees have been undertaken for the respective actions
  • In connection with the management of hong kong ' s fill resources and mud - disposal capacity , the ced , on behalf of the fmc , continued to undertake a series of geotechnical , environmental and ecological studies to examine the effects of the dredging and disposal activities , and to investigate possible ways to avoid or minimise adverse effects on the marine environment
  • 推荐英语阅读
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