- 按 press; push down
- 毛 hair; down; feather; fur
- 额 forehead
- 编制 authorized strength; formati ...
- 按毛额徵税 tax on gross basis
- 常额编制 permanent establishment
- 常额编制人员 officer on permanent establishment
- 编制毛额预算 gross budgeting
- 首长级常额编制 permanent directorate establishment
- 征聘和员额编制处 recruitment and staffing branch
- 毛额 gro amount; gross amount
- 按海外条款受聘的常额编制公务员 officer on overseas permanent terms
- 按扣除税收因素后的净额编制财务报表 net of tax reporting
- 产品单位产量能源消耗定额编制通则 general principles of stipulation of energy consumption norm for unit product
- 常设员额编制员额表基层单位 establishment
- 获确实聘任为常额编制人员 confirmed to the permanent establishment
- 在常额编制中获得确实聘任的公务员 confirmed to the permanent establishment
- 按毛计算 on gross
- 按毛利分配 distribution on gross profit
- 编制 1.(组织机构的设置及其人员数量的定额和职务的分配) authorized strength; formation; establishment; manning quotas 政府机关的编制 authorized size of a government body; 部队编制 establishment (for army units); 战时编制 wartime establishment; 缩小编制 reduce the staff2.(把细长物交叉制成器物) weave; plait; braid 编制竹器 weave bamboo articles3.(制订) work out; draw up 编制生产计划 work out a production plan; 编制教学大纲 draw up a teaching programme; 编制程序 program composition; generator; 编制电脑软件 programme the computer system; 编制目录 scheduling; 编制全面预算方法 full-budgeting approach; 编制委员会 organization commission; 编制预算 budget presentation; prepare budget; draw up a budget
- 跌价毛额 gross declination
- 净额与毛额 net and gross
- 利益毛额 gross profit gross benefit
- 毛额租金 gross lease
- 平均毛额 gross average