

  • payment in due course
  • periodical payment



  • 例句与用法
  • The university also offers a monthly payment plan to spread out the cost of tuition
  • Ok . would it be alright if we make the initial payment in two weeks , then pay in one - month installments after that
  • A : ok . would it be alright if we make the initial payment in two weeks , then pay in one - month installments after that
  • An employee is entitled to receive periodical payments during the period of temporary incapacity ( sick leave ) up to 24 months
  • Most banks do not charge for payments into the accounts but operate a charge for debits such as cheques paid , standing orders and direct debits
  • Should either joint - venture fail to pay the contribution on schedule according to clause 5 , the default party should pay the other 10 % of the interest one month after the deadline
    例2 :如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10 %的利息。
  • Should either joint - venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to clause 5 , the default party should pay the other 10 % of the interest one month after the dead line
    例2 :如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10 %的利息。
  • Should , either party of joint - venture fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to clause 5 , the default party should pay the other 10 % of the interest one month after the dead line
    例2 :如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10 %的利息。
  • If the employee s temporary incapacity lasts more than 24 months , he may apply to the court for an extension of his entitlement for the payment . the extended period shall not be longer than 12 months
  • Ask of me , as mayor , what is my opinion of m . morrel , and i shall say that he is a man honorable to the last degree , and who has up to this time fulfilled every engagement with scrupulous punctuality
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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