- 指 finger
- 本国 one's own country
- 货币贬值 devaluation; depreciation
- 后 behind; back; rear
- 贸易差额 trade balance; trade gap; ba ...
- 暂时 temporary; transient; for th ...
- 恶化 worsen; deteriorate; take a ...
- 贬值;货币贬值 devaluation
- 折旧,贬值;货币贬值 depreciation
- 货币贬值 appreciation of the currency; currency depreciation; currency devaluation; depreciation of currency; depreciation of money; devaluation of currency; devaluation of the currency; devaluationofthecurrency; to devaluate a currency
- 贸易差额 balance of trade; balance trade; merchandise balance; trade balance; trade bid; trade gap
- 贸易差额论 theory of the balance of trade
- 货币贬值来源 devaluation
- 货币贬值损失 loss on devaluation; losses from devaluation; losses on devaluation
- 货币贬值, 通货贬值 depreciation of currency
- 本国货币 domestic currency; home currency; local currency; national currency
- 本国货币national currency
- 出超贸易差额 balance of export trade
- 粗略贸易差额 crude trade gap
- 国际贸易差额 balance of international trade; balance of trade (bot)
- 国家贸易差额 country's balance of trade
- 互许贸易差额 swing balance
- 贸易差额暗淡 trade gap gloom
- 商品贸易差额 merchandise trade balance
- 无形贸易差额 invisible balance; invisible trade balance