One might as well have been at a battalion headquarters in the line . 我们好象是生活在前线的一个营指挥所里。
He crossed the lobby and went down the stairs to churchill's underground headquarters . 他穿过门廊,下了台阶,朝邱吉尔的地下指挥所走去。
After considerable dithering, hitler put the very able general von manstein in charge of the northern and threatened of these luckless armies . 希特勒经过一番犹豫之后,委派非常精明干练的冯曼斯坦因去指挥所有那些出师不利的部队中最受威胁的北翼部队。
Yes , sir . he ' s in the waidorf , piaying poker 是的长官,他在指挥所玩扑克
His mother is waiting for him at the command post 他的母亲在指挥所等他
General specification for armored vehicle - bore command automated system 装甲指挥所系统通用规范
The army has been exploding bombs for a half hour 等一会儿在将军去指挥所的时候,炸弹将已经引爆半个小时之久。
It may be necessary to change operation command post to incident command post 也许需要运行指挥所改变为事故指挥部。
Design and implementation of hardware platform for fault - detecting system in the command post 指挥所内故障检测系统硬件平台的设计与实现