These currents become the source of new electromagnetic waves which can be detected by suitable pickup coils . 这些电流成为能被合适的拾波线圈检测的新的电磁波源。
Variable resistance pickup 可变电阻拾波器
Shock and vibration measurements - characteristics to be specified for seismic pick - ups 冲击和振动测量.地震拾波器规定特性
Specification for shock and vibration measurements : characteristics to be specified for seismic pick - ups 冲击和振动测量规范:地震拾波器规定特性
Superconductivity - ac loss measurements - total ac loss measurement of cu nb - ti composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method 超导性.交流电损耗测量.用拾波线圈法测量暴露于横向交流磁场的cu nb - ti合成超导导线的交流电总损耗量
Superconductivity - part 8 : ac loss measurements ; total ac loss measurement of cu nb - ti composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method 超导性.第8部分:交流电损耗测量.用拾波线圈法测量爆露于横向交流磁场中合成超导导线的交流电总损耗量
Superconductivity - part 8 : ac loss measurements - total ac loss measurement of cu nb to composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method 超导性.第8部分:交流电损耗测量.用拾波线圈法测量暴露于横向交流磁场的铜铌复合超导导线的交流电总损耗量