- 拷问 torture sb. during interroga ...
- 折磨 cause physical or mental suf ...
- 拷问 torture sb. during interrogation; interrogate with torture 拷问某人 put sb. to (the) torture
- 折磨 cause physical or mental suffering; torment; molestation; affliction; harassment 受疾病的折磨 suffer severely from a lingering illness
- torture拷问 torture sb. during interrogation; interrogate with torture 拷问某人 put sb. to (the)
- 拷问的 racking; torturous
- 拷问器 excrciators
- 拷问台 rack
- 拷问,拷打,严刑 torture
- 拷问某人 put sb to the question; put sb to the torture; put sb to torture
- 严厉拷问 grill
- 冲击,折磨 buffet
- 拷打,折磨 torture
- 苦工,折磨 moil; toil
- 苦刑,折磨 torture
- 受折磨 be afflicted with; groan
- 压迫, 折磨 grind sb down
- 遭折磨 eat the bread of affliction
- 折磨(人) lie on
- 折磨地 plaguily
- 折磨术 torment
- 折磨我 pinch me
- 折磨者 tormentor
- 折磨着 krishna
- 〔美国〕逼供,疲劳讯问;拷问。 third degree