- 拥有 possess; have; own
- 无数 innumerable; countless; infi ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 信 letter; mail
- 众 many; numerous; a lot of
- 他对迟到有无数的托词 he had numerous excuses to offer for being late
- 无数的 beyond number; countless (l02); incalculable; infinite; innumerable---too numerous to be counted; numberless; millions of; myriad; no end of; out of number; sumless; thousand; umpteen; uncountable; uncounted; unknown; unnumbered
- 千;无数的 thous
- 无数的光 ain-soph aur
- 无数的年代 aeon; eon
- 无数的星星 myriads of stars
- 许多的,无数的 numerous adjective
- 天空中有无数颗星 there are innumerable stars in the sky
- 大量的无数的 a myriad of
- 数不清的,无数的 untolda
- 无数的, 数不清的 out of number
- 无数的,数不清的 i umerable; innumerable
- 无数的人或物 myriad
- 永世,无数的年代 eon
- 你拥有无尽的潜力 you are a being of endless potential
- 拥有无穷的财富 flore coronatus the many-coloured flowers of prosperity
- 无数的意思一万 myria-
- 像是在数无数的星 like counting a million stars
- 战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties
- 未计数的, 数不清的, 无数的 unnumbered