- 拌 stir and mix
- 牛 cattle; ox
- 舌 tongue sth. shaped like a to ...
- 干拌牛舌 ox tongue in chilli sauce
- 牛舌 beef tongue; neat's-tongue; ox tongues; ox-tongues; oxtongue; tongues
- 苦瓜拌牛肉 bitter gourd and beef salad
- 凉拌牛百页 ox tripe in sauce
- 凉拌牛蒡 mixed cold boiled burdock
- 香菜拌牛肉 mixed beef with caraway
- 冻牛舌 frozen beef tongue; frozen ox tongue
- 烩牛舌 braised ox-tongue; tongue stew
- 烤牛舌 roasted ox-tongue
- 冷牛舌 cold ox tongue
- 牛舌〔食用〕。 neat's-tongue
- 牛舌草 oxtongue; toothedfruit dock leaf; viper"s bugloss; viper's bugloss
- 牛舌冻 tonguein aspic; tongue(ox)in a ic; tongue(ox)in aspic
- 牛舌饰 calfs tongue moulding
- 牛舌头 cow tongue; ox-tongue
- 牛舌鱼 sole
- 炸牛舌 deep-fried ox tongue; fried ox tongue
- 煮牛舌 boiled ox tongue
- 腌牛舌 corned ox tongue
- 焖牛舌 tongue stew
- 藏红花牛舌 stewed yak tongue with saffron
- 冻咸牛舌 cold ox-tongue