- bunionectomy with adductor tendon transfer
- 拇 thumb; big toe
- 囊 bag; pocket; sack; purse
- 炎 scorching; burning hot
- 切除 excision; resection; absciss ...
- 术 art; skill; technique
- 伴 companion; partner
- 内 inner; inside; within
- 收 put away; take in
- 转移 shift; transfer; divert
- 拇囊炎切除术伴关节固定 bunionectomy with arthrodesis
- 拇囊炎切除术伴第一跖切骨术 bunionectomy with osteotomy of first metatarsal
- 拇囊炎切除术伴软组织矫正 bunionectomy with soft tissue correction
- 根治性拇囊炎切除术 radical bunionectomy
- 小趾囊炎切除术 excision of bunionette
- 内收肌腱 adductor tendon
- 肌腱转移术 transfer of tendon
- 绳肌腱转移术 hamstring tendon transfer
- 肌腱移位 肌腱转移术 transferoftendon
- 内收肌腱切断术 tenotomy of adductor
- kidner手术伴腱转移 kidner operation with tendon transfer
- 拇囊炎 brachiocephalic arteritis
- hauser拇囊肿切除术 hauser bunionectomy
- 肌腱切除术 excision of tendon
- 骨化性肌炎切除术 excision of myositis ossificans
- 手骨化肌炎切除术 excision of myositis ossificans of hand