- 抢断 interception; st - steals; st=steals; stealing
- 抢东西 cheat sb of sth
- 抢断球 pluck a pass; snag; the ball given to opponent
- 抢定额者 ratebuster
- 抢断者 stealer
- 抢电流注入逻辑 current-hogging injection logic
- 抢夺 snatch; wrest; seize; grab 抢夺胜利果实 seize the fruits of victory
- 抢电流逻辑 current-hogging logic
- 抢夺霸占剥夺 dispossess; disproof
- 抢电流 current hogging
- The technical analysis of rushing across the changjiang river
抢渡长江的技术分析 - The correct decision of speedily crossing changjiang river
- 抢渡的日语:強行渡河をする.
- 抢渡的韩语:[동사]〈군사〉 (시간을 다투어) 신속하게 (강을) 건너다[도하하다].
- 抢渡的俄语:pinyin:qiǎngdù форсировать (брать с боем) водную преграду
- 抢渡什么意思:qiǎngdù [speedily cross] 抓紧时间快速渡过