The invaders burned , killed and looted wherever they went . 侵略军到处烧杀抢掠。
Hitler's early "successes" were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon . 希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。
Our old enemies, whom we once chased on sea and land, do now range at pleasure, robbing and slaughtering and burning . 过去被我们从海陆两路追击的旧敌,现在又到处抢掠,杀人放火,为所欲为了。
Pick up a crew in tortuga , raid , pillage , plunder , 在托图加招一些水手烧杀抢掠
Pick up a crew in tortuga , raid , pillage , plunder , 在托图加招一些水手烧杀抢掠
Snatching , pickpocketing , and shop thefts all rose 抢掠扒窃及店铺盗窃均有所增加。
She ' s been preying on ships and settlements for near 10 years 它到处抢掠已有十多年了
Anarchy and looting enveloped mosul yesterday 摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。
Article 47 : pillage is formally prohibited . you don ' t know anything 条款47 :严格禁止抢掠.你什么不知道
Article 47 : pillage is formally prohibited . you don ' t know anything 条款47 :严格禁止抢掠.你什么不知道