- 抗 resist; combat; fight
- 眠 sleep
- 药 medicine; drug; remedy
- 抗眠的 antihypnotic
- 安眠药 a soporiffic; dormitive; hy agogue; hy otic; hypnagogue; hypnotics; hyqnagoguo; opiate; sedative; sleepill; sleeping draught; sleeping pill; sleeping potion; somnifacient; soporific; soprific; the sleemedicine
- 催眠药 hypnotic drug; hypnotics, soporifics; hypnotiss; hyponotics; narcotic; somnifacient; somnificant; soporiferous; soporifics
- 冬眠药 chlorpromazine wintermine
- 入眠药 drug for sleep induction
- 安催眠药 hypnotic
- 安眠药4 sleeping-pills
- 安眠药;催眠的 soporific
- 安眠药粉 sleeping powder
- 安眠药名 ambien
- 安眠药片 29.sleeping pills; sleeping―pill
- 安眠药丸 sleeping pill
- 安眠药中毒 hypnotic intoxication; poisoning with hypnotic
- 催眠药滥用 hypnotic abuse; hypnotics abuse
- 催眠药中毒 hypnotic poisoning; hypnotics poisoning; poisoning by sleeping drug
- 防睡眠药 anthypnotic
- 基础安眠药 basal hypnotics
- 基础催眠药 basal hypnotic
- 间接安眠药 indirect hypnotics
- 抗睡眠药 antihypnotic
- 氯丙嗪,冬眠药 chlorpromazine, wintermine
- 索佛拿(砜眠药) sulfonal (sulphonmethane)