- physical composition of investment
- 投资 put money in; invest
- 实物 material object in kind; ent ...
- 构成 constitute; form; consist of ...
- 食物构成 composition of diet
- 植物构成 botanical composition
- 权证投资实用指南 pdf 205
- 资实 sukezane
- 工资实物支付禁止法 truck acts
- 实物投资 contribution in kinds; investment in kind; material investment; real investment
- 投资额构成 composition of investment account
- 投资构成 composition of investment
- 投资实得率 实际获利率 屈服率 yieldrate
- 微型植被:指由浮游藻类植物构成的植被。 microvegetation
- 实物投资估价过高 over estimation of investment in kind; overestimation of investment in kind
- 厦门海发投资实业股份有限公司 xiamen haifa investment industrial company limited
- 投资的时间构成 time structure of investment
- 实物 1.(实际应用的东西) material object2.(真实具体的东西) in kind; entity; matter◇实物地租 rent in kind; 实物工资 wages in kind; 实物交易 barter; 实物捐助 contribution in kind; 实物税 tax (paid) in kind; taxation in kind
- 构成 constitute; form; consist of; compose; make up; constitution; composition; formation; enter 构成部分 component part; 构成威胁 constitute [pose] a threat; 太阳光谱的构成 the constitution of the solar spectrum; 科学家研究土壤的构成。 scientists study the composition of the soil. 这种行动构成对别国内政的干涉。 these acts constitute an interference in the internal affairs of other countries. 火箭中的爆炸性混合物由燃料和氧气构成。 the explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen
- 动物构造学 zoophysics
- 复合物构造 composites fabrication
- 矿物构造 mineral structure
- 实物期权方法在投资项目评估中的运用 the application of real option approach to project evaluation
- 桑科植物构树 broussonetia papyrifera vent
- 生物构架元素 framework-forming element
- 原地生物构造 in-place organic structure