- 投机倒把 play the market; capitalize ...
- 投机,投机倒把 speculation
- 投机倒把 play the market; capitalize on; engage in all sorts of illicit trading; engage in speculation; engage in speculation and profiteering; engage in speculative activities; make money illicitly through speculation; speculate; speculative transactions
- 投机倒把罪 crime of speculation
- 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering
- 取缔投机倒把 ban speculation and profiteering
- 打击投机倒把活动 crack down on speculation and profiteering
- 牟取暴利;投机倒把 profiteering
- 他跟投机倒把分子有瓜葛 he's got mixed up with speculators
- 倒把 (利用物价涨落, 买入卖出, 牟取暴利) engage in profiteering ; speculate 投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering
- 投机 speculateseize a chance to seek private gainbe opportunistic
- 哈克机倒深蹲 leg press
- 反投机 counte-rspeculation; counter speculation
- 搞投机 play the market; speculate in
- 冒险, 投机 take chances
- 投机,赌博 gamble
- 投机的 speculative; wildcat
- 投机股 speculative shares
- 投机家 plunger
- 投机盘 speculative position
- 投机热 speculation fever; speculative fever
- 投机商 profiteer; speculative trader; speculator
- 投机性 speculative
- 投机者 adventurer; speculators
- 小投机 scalp