- shake scouring powder into the bath
- 把 grip; handle
- 去污粉 household cleanser; cleanser
- 撒 scatter; sprinkle; spread
- 进 advance; move forward; move ...
- 浴缸 bathtub
- 里 in; inside
- 去污粉 cleaning powder; cleanser; scrubbing powder
- 浴缸里的水 bathwater
- 往浴缸里放水 pour the water into the bath. draw off
- 厕所用去污粉 toilet bowl cleanser
- 去垢剂 去污粉 洗涤的 abstergent
- 在热浴缸里优哉游哉 luxuriate in a hot bath
- 用去污粉和沙洗刷木甲板 barbarising
- 浴缸 bathtub 洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。 clean out the bathtub when you are done
- 去污 decontaminate; decontamination◇去污粉 household cleanser; cleanser; 去污剂 remover; decontaminating agent; detergent; detersive
- 花粉撒布器 pollinating machine
- 岩粉撒布机 blower
- 岩粉撒布器 rock-dust distributor; stone dust apparatus
- 大浴缸 plunge bath
- 水浴缸 cleansing bath tub
- 铜浴缸 co er water bath; copper water bath
- 洗浴缸 grout bath tub
- 洗澡;浴缸 bath
- 浴盆,浴缸 bathtub
- 炉缸里衬 hearth lining