国家经贸委技术创新项目 industrial production demonstration engineering project
技术创新的路径依赖性 path-dependence of technology innovation
技术创新与组织变革 technique innovation and organization reconstruction
Taiyuan is the base of the one of energy resources and chemical industry in china , the raw and processed materials needed can be solved in this locality . shanxi is a major constructions province being located middle - west pesition . there are good enviroment for investment in the place . it is a major technology innovations project in shanxi province , it is authorized and registered by state economy and trade committee 当地是主要原料蓖麻的生产地之一,太原是中国能源重化工基地,所需原料均可就地解决,山西是国家重点建设的中西部地区重点省份之一,具备良好的投资环境,该项目是山西省重点支持的重大技术创新工程,已列入国家重点技术创新计划,并由国家经贸委批准立项。