- 找 look for; try to find; disco ...
- 矿 ore deposit
- 钻孔 drill; bore; drill hole perf ...
- 未见矿钻孔 dry hole
- 无矿钻孔 blanket hole
- 干井 干孔 干炮眼 干钻孔 未见矿钻孔 dryhole
- 找矿 dousing; ore finding; ore prospecting; ore search
- 找矿者 ore prospector
- 采矿钻机 mine borers
- 矿钻集团 minedrill
- 露天矿钻机 quarrymaster
- 沙矿钻机 banka drill
- 钻孔 [矿物学]1.(用尖锐的旋转工具在坚硬的物体上钻穿或钻孔洞) drill; bore; drill hole2.(为了装饰或识别而打孔) perforate3.(用钻钻的孔) borehole; solid boring; bouche4.(钻孔的一种动作和方法) boring; punching◇钻孔工 drillman; 钻孔机 drilling machine
- 冲刷找矿法 hushing
- 磁法找矿 magnetic prospecting
- 跟踪找矿 heavy-mineral prospecting
- 江湖找矿师 doodlebugger; dowser
- 旧式找矿者 sourdough
- 砾石找矿 tracing float
- 砾石找矿法 boulder prospecting
- 水化学找矿 hydrogeochemical prospecting
- 占卜式找矿 divining
- 找矿靶区 prospecting target
- 找矿标志 clue for prospecting; criteria for ore prospecting; ore guide; ore-hunting evidence; ore-hunting indicator; prospecting criteria
- 找矿前提 criterion of prospecting ore; prerequisite of prospecting ore