扩散 spread; diffuse; proliferate ...阻碍 hinder; block; impede; imped ...肺扩散阻力 pulmonary diffusion resistance扩散阻挡层 diffusion impervious layer扩散阻抗 diffusion impedance扩散阻力 diffusion resistance; diffusional resistance; diffusional resistivity阻碍 hinder; block; impede; impediment; rejection; stunting; prehension; hold-up; blockage 阻碍交通 block the traffic; 阻碍生产力的发展 hinder the development of the productive forces; 阻碍物 bar; traverse; spoke; 阻碍者 obstructor耗散阻力 dissipative resistance耗散阻尼 dissipative damping消散阻尼 dissipative damping叶子散阻力 leaf diffusion resistance溢散阻力 drag; split碍事,阻碍 be in the way (=obstructive)被阻碍 stymie妨碍,阻碍 in one's way/ in the way; in one’s way /in the way干扰,阻碍 interfere干涉,阻碍 inference in/with; inteference in/with; inteferencein/with回来(阻碍) back积垢,阻碍 fouling推迟,阻碍 set back无阻碍 nihil obstat阻碍, 破坏 throw a monkey wrench into阻碍…做 inhibit sb. from阻碍,妨碍 hinder from; stand in one's way; stand in one/'s way阻碍,干涉 interference
N . ozer , optical and electrochemical characteristics of sol - gel deposited tungsten oxide films : a comparison , thin solid films , 304 pp . 310 - 314 ( 1997 ) 黄献庆,均匀与组成调制氮化钽薄膜在铜金属化的扩散阻碍 性质评估,逢甲大学材料科学与工程研究所硕士论文( 2000 )