What was the affair ' s budget ? accoona executive director jonathan mccann would n ' t say Accoona的执行长官jonathan说公司开张后马上就可以赚钱。
As sgia ' s ceo and president michael robertson recently noted , “ the increased value of creativity as a marketable skill within the community is a very positive step 就像特殊图形图像联盟的首席执行长官与主席麦克?伯森说的那样: “创意价值作为一种社群内的营销技巧,其价值的不断增长是令人欣喜的进展。 ”
Chris bentley , the minister of training , colleges and universities and norman riddell , executive director and ceo of the foundation , made the joint announcement today at victoria university in the university of toronto 近日,高等培训教育长官克里斯本特雷和基金会执行长官诺曼瑞戴尔在多伦多,维多利亚大学宣布一项新助学基金模式。
Bob taylor , the co - founder and chief executive of taylor guitars in el cajon , calif . , is also a proponent of a " green " effort that aims to maintain old growth forests and the wood supply used to manufacture guitars 鲍伯泰勒- - - -泰勒吉他的创办人之一兼执行长官,也同样是“绿色”努力计划的支持者,此计划针对保护成熟生态森林的可持续发展。