Ⅰ动词 1.(拿着) hold 短语和例子
执鞭 hold a whip; 手执钢枪 hold a rifle in one's hands 2.(执掌) take charge of; control; manage; wield 短语和例子
执炊 cook; prepare meals; 执狱 act as judge; 执教 be a teacher; teach 3.(坚持) persist in; stick to; insist on 短语和例子
固执己见 persist in one's opinion; 各执一词。 each sticks to his own version [argument].; different people tell different stories. 4.(执行) carry out; execute 短语和例子
执礼 observe the formalities 5.[书面语] (捉住) catch; capture 短语和例子
捕执 arrest; catch; 战败被执 be captured after being defeated in battle Ⅱ名词 1.(凭单) written acknowledgement; voucher 短语和例子
回执 receipt 2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子
执诚 zhi cheng
持(执)票人 holder有(执)照车辆 licensed vehicle施(执)行圣事者 minister周(执+心)平 zhou zheping执把 zhi ba殖子 masuko执棒 bat 1殖装甲ガイバみ wowow执笔 write; do the actual writing 这篇文章是集体讨论, 王同志执笔的 。 the article was discussed by us all, but comrade wang did the actual writing殖值的类型 pattern of salvage values执笔才 contributor殖月 uetsuki执笔人 penner殖田 fueda; fueta; ueda
These was the tensity of fierceness in the man's plea . 这个家伙的哀求坚执 而又猛烈。 Green batted for two hours . 格林执 棒两小时。 I think english people ought to stick to their own country . 我认为英国人民应当执 念于他们的祖国。 The archdeacon had truly expressed the workings of his mind .执 事长确实表达出了他脑子里思想的转动。 This dictionary is the flagship of oxford 's range of learners ' dictionaries . 本词典执 牛津一系列学习者词典之牛耳。 The archdeacon's servant had already preceded them thither with the vestments .执 事长的仆人已经带着法衣在他们之前上那儿去了。 He pulled out all stops in a speech in flint, michigan, on october 17 . 10月17日,他在密执 安州弗林特的一次演讲中施展浑身解数。 Michigan was admitted to the united states in 1837, as the twenty-sixth state . 密执 安是一八三七年作为第二十六个州加入合众国的。 Chrysler engineers in michigan had designed the world's most sophisticated tank . 克莱斯勒公司在密执 安的工程师设计出了世界上最精密的油箱。 Public houses are licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for a certain number of hours per week . 酒店执 有酒类经销许可证,每周可按一定时数出售。
执的法语 :动 1.tenir;prendre~笔écrire;tenir le pinceau 2.diriger;gérer;administrer 3.s'obstiner;persister dans各~一词.chacun a sa version des faits.执的日语 :(1)(手に)持つ.(手に)取る. 等同于(请查阅)执笔 bǐ . 手执拐杖 guǎizhàng /手に杖を持つ. (2)司る.行う. 等同于(请查阅)执政. 执教 jiào /教職にある. (3)固執する.堅持する. 执意不肯 kěn /頑として承知しない. 各执一词/双方とも自分の主張を曲げない. (4)執行する.執る. 执法必严/法の執行は厳しくしなければならない. 执弟子礼/弟子の礼をとる...执的韩语 :(1)[동사] 잡다. 쥐다. 들다. 执笔; 활용단어참조 执枪作战; 총을 들고 싸우다 (2)[동사] (권력 따위를) 잡다. 장악하다. 맡다. 담당하다. 틀어쥐다. 执政; 활용단어참조 执教; 활용단어참조 执炊; 활용단어참조 (3)[동사] 우기다. 고집하다. 견지하다. 固执; 고집하다 争执; 우기다 各执己见; 각각 자신의 의견을 고집하다 各执...执的俄语 :[zhí] = 執 1) держать (в руках) 2) тк. в соч. упорствовать; стоять на своём 3) тк. в соч. держать в руках (власть); править 4) тк. в соч. проводить в жизнь; исполнять; осуществлять • - 执笔...执什么意思 :(執) zhí ㄓˊ 1)拿着:~刃。~鞭。~笔。 2)掌握:~政。~教(jiào)。 3)捕捉,逮捕:战败被~。 4)坚持:固~。~意。 5)实行:~行。 6)凭单:回~。 7)朋友:~友(志同道合的朋友,简称“执”)。 8)姓。 ·参考词汇: capture carry out catch grasp hold persist 执业 明火执仗 执导 执...