- 打破 break; smash
- 休眠 dormancy; dormant
- 打破休眠期 breaking of rest period
- 休眠打破 dormancy breaking
- 休眠打破剂 dormancy breaker
- 休眠 [生物学] dormancy; dormant◇休眠火山 dormant volcano; 休眠期 period of dormancy; dormancy stage; quiescent stage; rest period; 休眠芽 latent bud; dormant bud; statoblast; resting bud
- 打破 break; smash 打破蕃篱 break through hedging-in tradition; 打破界线 break down barriers; 打破平衡 upset a balance; 打破洋框框 break with foreign conventions; 打破休眠期 breaking of rest period
- 半休眠 semidormancy
- 冷休眠 cold dormancy
- 胚休眠 embryo dormancy; internal dormancy
- 熟休眠 dee dormancy
- 休眠的 dormant; dormiens; pm-addr parked member address; quiescent
- 休眠卵 dormant egg; resting egg
- 休眠期 dormancy stage; dormant period; dormant stage; hypopial stage; period of dormancy; quiescence; repose period; rest period; rest stage; resting period; resting stage; season of dormant
- 休眠泉 dormant spring
- 休眠素 dormin
- 休眠体 hypopus
- 休眠委 dormant season
- 休眠型 dormancy form; resting form
- 休眠芽 dormant bud; latent bud; resting bud; sleeping bud
- 芽休眠 bud dormancy
- 再休眠 secondary dormancy
- 休眠体, 休眠稚虫 hypopus
- 打破(陈规) break away from
- 打破局 break a deadlock