- 打火 strike sparks from a flint; ...
- 花 flower; blossom; bloom
- 圆火花 整圈打火 环火 ringfire
- 打火 strike sparks from a flint; strike a light; strike arc◇打火棒 fire stick; 打火保护电路 arc protect circuit; 打火刀 furison; 打火机 cigarette lighters; lighter; 打火器 fire maker; strike-a-light; 打火石 firestone; flint
- 火花 spark; spark discharge; spark-over; scintillance; flake; trigatron; cremation; [电工] electric spark 火花四溅 sparks flying off in all directions; 从燧石打出火花 strike sparks from a flint; 电火花 an electric spark; 生命的火花 spark of life; 天才的火花 a spark of genius; 火花升腾象数千流星冲入寂静的夜空。 the sparks shot up like thousands of shooting stars into the still night air.; 火花弧 flash arc
- 打火棒 fire stick
- 打火草 nepal pearleverlasting herb
- 打火刀 furison
- 打火机 a lighter; cigar lighter; cigarette lighter; igniter; lighterp; zippo
- 打火轮 flint wheel
- 打火器 fire maker; strike-a-light
- 打火石 fint; firestones; flint stone
- 打火匣 the tinder-box
- 打火印 diamond-skin disease (猪丹毒的一种温和病型)
- 磁控管打火 sparking of magnetrons
- 打火机厂 lighter factory
- 打火拉绳 firing lanyard
- 打火轮铆钉 flint wheel rivet
- 打火扫把 fire beater; fire swatter
- 打火石,燧石 flint
- 打火凸部 firing cam
- 打火营部 fire camp
- 打火装置 firing system
- 打火状态 fired position
- 电子打火机 electronic lighter