打圆场 mediate a dispute; do the peacemaking; ease a situation; mediate between the two parties; proffer one's good offices; smooth out a dispute; smooth things over
The waging of mobile warfare involves many problems , such as reconnaissance , judgement , decision , combat disposition , command , concealment , concentration , advance , deployment , attack , pursuit , surprise attack , positional attack , positional defence , encounter action , retreat , night fighting , special operations , evading the strong and attacking the weak , besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements , feint attack , defence against aircraft , operating amongst several enemy forces , by - passing operations , consecutive operations , operating without a rear , the need for rest and building up energy 运动战的实行方面,问题是很多的,例如侦察、判断、决心、战斗部署、指挥、荫蔽、集中、开进、展开、攻击、追击、袭击、阵地攻击、阵地防御、遭遇战、退却、夜战、特种战斗、避强打弱、围城打援、佯攻、防空、处在几个敌人之间、超越敌人作战、连续作战、无后方作战、养精蓄锐之必要等等。