- 打孔 punch a hole
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 孔 hole; opening; aperture
- 有孔的 apertured; fenestrated; foraminated; foraminiferous; foraminous; holed; meshed; perforated; pored; poriferous; porous
- 有孔的, 有窗的 fenestrated
- 有孔的垫板 perforated floor
- 打孔的软片 perforated film
- 孔的 foraminal; foraminate
- 尾有孔的楔形块 grapple
- 在工厂打孔的管子 shop-perforated pipe
- 能透过的;透水的;透光的;有孔的 pervious
- 预制滤管;在工厂打孔的管子 shop-perforated pipe
- 多孔的;冲孔的 perforated
- 珠孔的,卵孔的 micropylar
- 鼻孔的 narial
- 冲孔的 punched
- 穿孔的 chaded; fenestrated; foraminous; lithodomous; lithophagous; lithotomous; perforated; perforating; perforative; pinked; porous; ruptured; terebrant
- 窗孔的 fenestral
- 刺孔的 acupunctate
- 大孔的 macroporous
- 带孔的 foraminiferous; perforated
- 多孔的 blowy; cancellous; cavenous; cavernous; cribellate; cribellatus; foraminate; foraminous; fritted; honeycombed; lacunaris; macro porous; meshy; multi-apertured; multicellular; multiholed; multiholeperforatedporiferousporous; multiporous; pervious; polyporous; porosity; porous - impenetrable; vuggy
- 二孔的 biperforate
- 管孔的 fistular; fistulose