- 打入 throw into; banish to infilt ...
- 式 type; style
- 冰锥 icicle cone
- 打入式壁虎 nylon frame harmmer fixing (nylon hammer drive anchors)
- 打入式沉箱 driven caisson
- 打入式取样 drive sampling
- 打入式管底鞋 drive-pipe shoe
- 打入式取样器 drive sampler
- 打入式套管箍 driving pipe ring
- 打入式造斜楔 dirve wedge; drive wedge
- 打入式薄壁取样器 thin-wall drive sampler
- 打入式管子的箍 drive pipe ring
- 厚壁打入式取土器 thick-wall drive sampler
- 锌合金打入式壁虎 hammer drive anchors
- 冰锥 a0bg; ablation cone; cone of cold; ice cone; ice pinnacle; ice piton; icepiton; of icebolt
- 打入式开缝管取土器 drive-type split-tube soil-sampling device; drive-type splittube soil-sampling device
- 对开管打入式取土器 split-tube drive sampler
- 固定活塞打入式取土器 stationary piston drive sampler; stationary piston-type sampler
- 打入 1.(投入; 放逐) throw into; banish to2.(渗透) infiltrate 打入匪巢 infiltrate the bandits' den; 打入键 load key; 打入桩 driven pile
- t形冰锥 t shaped ice piton; t-shaped ice piton
- 冰锥儿 icicle
- 冰锥脊 winter-talus ridge
- 冰锥术 cone of cold
- 寒冰锥 cone of cold
- 清冰锥 clear icicle