- division of muscle of hand
- 手 hand
- 部 part; section; division; reg ...
- 肌 muscle; flesh
- 分开 separate; part; split; uncou ...
- 术 art; skill; technique
- 手部肌腱分开术 division of tendon of hand
- 手部肌切开伴分开术 incision of muscle of hand with division; myotomy of hand with division
- 手部肌腱切开伴分开术 incision of tendon of hand with division
- 肌分开术 division of muscle
- 手部肌切开术 incision of muscle of hand; myotomy of hand
- 前斜角肌分开术 division of scalenus anticus muscle
- 手部肌腱切开术 incision of tendon of hand
- 手部关节囊分开术 division of joint capsule of hand
- 手部筋膜分开术 division of fascia of hand
- 手部韧带分开术 division of ligament of hand
- 手部软骨分开术 division of cartilage of hand
- 手部软组织分开术 division of soft tissue of hand
- 足底筋膜和肌分开术 division of plantar fascia and muscle
- 手部关节软骨分开术 division of joint cartilage of hand
- 手部筋膜切开伴分开术 incision of fascia of hand with division
- 手部软组织切开术伴分开 incision of soft tissue of hand with division
- 手部肌手术 operation on muscle of hand
- 手部肌冲洗法 irrigation of muscle of hand
- 手部肌减压术 decompression of muscle of hand
- 手部肌松解术 release of muscle of hand