- tissue surgically removed
- 手术 surgical operation; operatio ...
- 切除 excision; resection; absciss ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 组织 organization; organized syst ...
- 手术切除 ablation; exairesis; surgical removal
- 恶性肿瘤的手术切除 the surgical removal of a cancer
- 两只手指须动手术切除 had two fingers of one hand amputated
- 手术切除肾活检环钻 trephine for open renal biopsy
- 手术切除肿瘤活检环钻 trephine for open tumour biopsy
- 手术切开 operation incision; operative incision
- 手术切口 operative incision
- 切除的 excisional
- 手术切开引流 operative incision and drainage
- 耳手术切开扩张器 ototomy dilator
- 手术切缘无肿瘤 no tumor at margins of excision; surgical margins free of tumor
- 不可切除的 unresectable
- 垂体切除的 hypophysectomized
- 卵巢切除的 oophorectomized; ovariectomized; ovx
- 切除的包皮 as a religious rite or for medical reasons
- 心切除的 cardiectomized
- 肾上腺切除的 adrenoprival
- 心部分切除的 cardiectomized
- 膈神经切除的 phrenicectomized
- 比赛的组织 structure of play
- 产业的组织 the organization of industry