- 手 hand
- 拿 hold; take
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 镜子 mirror; looking glass
- 手拿的 hand-held
- 空赫的镜子 the mirror of kong ho
- 你的镜子 your mirror
- 有趣的镜子 mirrors are funny
- 爱丽丝的镜子 reflections
- 书法家的镜子 le miroir du calligraphe
- 照全身的镜子 a whole length mirror
- 天花板上的镜子 mirrors on the ceiling the pink champagne on ice
- 玛格丽特阿姨的镜子 my aunt margaret’s mirror
- 她也许是我梦的镜子 she may be the mirror of my dreams
- 天花板上镶嵌着的镜子 mirrors on the ceiling; the pink champagne on ice
- 盖拉德丽尔夫人的镜子(盖拉德丽尔之镜) the mirror of galadriel
- 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子 a man is only as good as what he loves
- 在神话故事里扮演希望的镜子 a mirror of hope as in fairy tales
- 镜子 1.(各种面镜) mirror; looking glass 报纸是准确反映时代的一面镜子。 the newspapers are a good mirror of the times.2.(眼镜) glasses; spectacles 戴上镜子 put on one's glasses; 摘下镜子 take off one's spectacles; 擦镜子 wipe one's spectacles
- 伸手拿 reach for; reach out
- 一手拿枪,一手拿锄 hold a hoe in one hand and grip the gun with the otherwith rifle in one hand and hoe in the other
- 一手拿枪一手拿锄 hold a hoe in one hand and grip the gun with the other
- 约拿的故事 the stow of jonah
- 约拿的神迹 sign of jonah
- 迦拿的婚礼 marriage at cana