- amygdalopathy
- disease of tonsils
- tonsillopathy
- 扁桃体 tonsil; tonsilla; amygdala; ...
- 病 illness; sickness; disease; ...
- 扁桃体病灶 tonsil invasion site
- 扁桃体病发部位 tonsil invasion site
- 扁桃体 [生理学] tonsil; tonsilla; amygdala; throat-almond; antiades◇扁桃体病 amygdalopathy; tonsillopathy; 扁桃体穿刺术 tonsillocentesis; 扁桃体肥大 [医学] hypertrophy of tonsils; 扁桃体瘤 amygdaloncus; antiadoncus; 扁桃体切除术[切开术] tonsillectomy; 扁桃体炎 [医学] amygdalitis; tonsillitis; paristhmitis; antiaditis
- 腭扁桃体, 扁桃体 faucial tonsil
- 扁桃体被膜,扁桃体囊 tonsillar capsule
- 扁桃体和扁桃体炎 tonsilsandtonsillitis
- 扁桃体癌 carcinoma of tonsil
- 扁桃体白喉 diphtheria of tonsil; diphtherial tonsillitis
- 扁桃体包囊 fibrous capsule of tonsil
- 扁桃体被膜 capsula tonsillaris
- 扁桃体残体 stump of tonsil; tonsillar tag
- 扁桃体持钩 to il tenaculum; tonsil tenaculum
- 扁桃体出血 bleeding of tonsil; hemorrhage of tonsil
- 扁桃体穿刺 tonsil puncture; tonsillocentesis
- 扁桃体丛 tonsillar plexus
- 扁桃体刀 amygdalotome; to il knife; to illotome; tonsil knife; tonsillotome
- 扁桃体的 amygdaline; tonsillary
- 扁桃体发炎 quinsy
- 扁桃体肥大 hypertrophy of the tonsils; hypertrophy of tonsils; tonsillar hypertrophy
- 扁桃体感染 infection of tonsil
- 扁桃体钩 to il hook; tonsil hook
- 扁桃体刮匙 to il curet; to il scoop; tonsil curet
- 扁桃体刮器 to il ra atory; tonsil raspatory