我个人的所有物 my personal possessions; 全民所有 owned by the whole people: 集体所有 owned by the collective; 生产资料应当属国家所有。 the means of production should be owned by the state.2.(所有的东西) possessions
尽其所有 give everything one has; give one's all3.(一切; 全部) all
所有的材料都备齐了。 all the materials have been prepared. 所有的问题都解决了。 all the problems have been solved.; 所有格 [语言学] possessive case; 所有者 owner; proprietor
所有权 proprietary rights; ownership; title; proprietorship 所有权与经营权分开[离] separate ownership from managerial authority; separation of ownership and management; 所有权客体object of the right of ownership;所有权(物权)凭证 document of title; 所有权申报 declaration of ownership; 所有权移转 passing of title; 所有权证件 document of title; 所有权证明书 certificate of title; 所有权证书 certificate of ownership; 所有权转让 transfer of ownership; 所有权转移 passing of title
所有制 ownership; system of ownership 封建土地所有制 feudal ownership of land; 集体所有制 collective ownership; 全民所有制 ownership by the whole people; 所有制在经济上的实现 economic realization of ownership; 所有制关系的客体 object in the relations of ownership; 所有制关系的主体 subject in the relations of ownership; 所有制结构 pattern of ownership; structure of ownership; 所有制升级 elevate the degree of ownership
所有的韩语:(1)[명사][동사] 소유(하다). 所有人; 소유인. 소유자 =所有者 那本字典现在归我所有; 그 자전은 지금은 내 소유가 되었다 (2)[명사] 소유물. 尽jìn其所有; 가진 것을 모두 내다 (3)[형용사] 모든. 일체의. [‘一切’가 각양각색의 것 모두라는 뜻인데 비해 ‘所有’는 같은 종류의 것 모두라는 뜻이며, 둘을 한데 쓸 때는 ‘所有一切’ 혹은...
所有的俄语:[suǒyǒu] 1) собственность; имущество 2) находиться в чьей-либо собственности 3) всё; все