We are disposed to open an account with your firm . 我们极欲在贵号开设一个户头。
He kept two bank accounts open . 他有两个银行户头可用。
The savings account evaporated . 储蓄户头注销了。
You must make a minimum deposit of $ 50 to open a checking account . 你最少必须存五十元才能开活期存款户头。
When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money . 任何人在银行里开立活期存款户头时,他就是在借钱给银行。
It is nothing more tangible than a book keeping entry in the accounts of an established bank . 很明显它只不过是在一家注册银行帐户上开立的一个薄记户头而已。
Her information included the number of people in the line, the length of time it was taking the bank to open each account, and the number of new account desks in operations . 她掌握的情况有:排队的人数、银行立个户头需要的时间以及临时增设的账台数目。
I ' d like to withdraw $ 90 from my saving accout 我想从我的储蓄户头里取90美元。
What ' s your interest rate for your checking accounts 你们的支票户头利率是多少?
Mr . lin : i would like to open a checking account 林先生:我想开一个支票户头。
户头的韩语:[명사] (1)구좌. 계좌. 户头号; 구좌[계좌] 번호 开户头; 구좌를 개설하다 这个户头很久没有来提款了; 이 구좌는 아주 오랫동안 예금을 인출하지 않았다 (2)호주. 가장. (3)고객. (4)【오방언】【폄하】 놈. 녀석. 작자. 她不陪你到跳舞场, 也陪别的户头去跳舞; 그녀는 너와 같이 무도장에 가지 않고 다른 녀석과 춤추러 간다 (5)...