- 截 cut; sever
- 线 thread; string; wire
- 抽查 conduct a selective examinat ...
- 法 law
- 抽查法 method of testing; sampling method
- 抽查法检查 test basis examinations; test-basis examinations
- 工作抽查法 work sampling
- 用抽查法查帐 auditing by test and scrutiny
- 用抽查法证实 verification by test and scrutiny
- 截线 enter short; intercept; stub; transversal lines
- 抽查 conduct a selective examination; have a sport check [test]; selective examination; spot check [test]; random inspection; make a sample check; take a sample for examination [check]; inspect by random samples 经抽查, 发现肉变质了。 on random inspection the meat was found to be bad.; 抽查检验 snap check
- 线抽头 wire tapping
- 从…把线抽出 unthread
- 电线抽头 wire tripper
- 沿线抽样 traverse sampling; traversesampling
- 紫外线抽运 ultraviolet pumping
- 短截线 stub
- 横截线 transversal; traverse
- 截面;截线 section
- 截线法 intercept method
- 截线凿 wire chisel
- 拦截线 interception line
- 双截线 double stub
- 抽审, 抽查 audit by test
- 点检,抽查 spot check