Gaoyou , the first scholar as we know in history , gave his own annotation to zhan guo ce 东汉高诱是目前所知历史上为《战国策》作注的第一人。
So far there is no professional research monography concerning with annotation on zhan guo ce by gaoyou 关于高诱《战国策注》 ,目前尚无专门性的研究论著。
But zhan guo ce annotated by gaoyou , though with little defective in its high value , still worths studying carefully and diligently 但白璧微瑕, 《战国策》高诱注文仍值得后人仔细深入研究。
When i read " the warring period of china , " there were many fantastic things that are just like what we have nowadays 当我读战国策时,看到那时候有很多神奇的东西,就像我们现在所拥有的一样。
Zhan guo ce was one of the important ancient codes and records which documented the strategies and activities of counselors and strategists going canvassing dukes or princes under emperors in war period 《战国策》是记录战国时期谋臣、策士们游说诸侯的策谋和言行的一部重要典籍。
Zhan guo ce annotated by gao bears high value in scholastics s documentation and history from its annotated contents ^ stylistic layout > mode - , methodology and terminological application 《战国策》高注在注释内容、体例、方式、方法、术语发明运用等方面,具有很高的学术价值、文献价值和历史价值。
All the heads of state in the world should read about " the warring period of china , " or the " feng shen pang " honor list of deification , or " the three kingdoms . " maybe they would learn something 世上所有国家的领袖,都应该读读中国的战国策封神榜和三国演义,或许他们会从中学到一些东西,不过他们会想:喔!
According to his annotation , we can speculate some extortion > omission and extension in the contemporaneously - inherited zhan guo ce , by which we can get better insight into the original features of zhan guo ce written by liuxiang 我们可以依据高注推知今本《战国策》的部分讹、脱、衍情况,也可帮助我们了解刘向本《战国策》的某些原貌。
The inherited zhan guo ce annotated by gao shed much light accurate interpretation on lexical meaning > texted implications transcription and collation , manifesting the rigorous and realistic attitude of philologiest toward critical interpretation of ancient books in east han period 现存高注对《战国策》的词义、文意、注音、校勘等进行了较准确的解说,体现出东汉时古文学家在训诂方面严谨求实的学风。