- 成长 grow up; grow to maturity; a ...
- 波 wave
- 长波 long wave (l.w.); kilometer wave; major wave; [气象学] planetary wave◇长波段 long-wave band
- 成长 grow up; grow to maturity; adolesce 关心年轻一代的健康成长 take an active interest in the healthy growth of the younger generation; 他已成长为22岁的青年了。 he has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 新栽的果树正在茁壮成长。 the young fruit trees are growing well. 这是一个仍在成长中的年轻国家。 it is a young nation, still adolescing.; 成长机理 growth mechanism; 成长经济学 growth economics; 成长事例 efflorescence
- 长波长波 long wave
- 长波长 long wavelength
- 长波段 long-wave band
- 长波区 long-wavelength region
- 长波通 long-wave-pass
- 长波限 long wavelength threshold
- 长波相 long wave phase; long-wave phase
- 超长波 myriametric wave; superlong wave
- 倪长波 changbo ni
- 甚长波 radio frequency; very long wave
- 增长波 growing wave; increasing wave; inreasing trasmission treatment
- 中长波 radio frequency
- 周长波 chang-bo zhou
- 仉长波 changbo zhang
- 【无线电】长波。 long wave
- 长波800米 metres: 800m long wave
- 长波波段 long-wave band
- 长波不稳性 instability, long-wave
- 长波长光纤 long wavelength fiber
- 长波长系统 long wavelength system
- 长波长阈值 long wavelength threshold