- the quality of the paper improved too
- 成 accomplish; succeed
- 了 finish; complete; end; fulfi ...
- 流行 prevalent; popular; fashiona ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 做法 way of doing or making a thi ...
- 好的做法 a good rule of thumb
- 良好的做法 good practice
- 民间的做法 folk psychology
- 片面的做法 einseitige arbeitsmethode/einseitiges herangehen
- 欺骗性的做法 deceptive practices
- 歧视性的做法 discriminatory practices
- 流行的 a la mode; alamode; current; epidemic; faddish; faddy; fashionable; in style; modish; off-the-shelf; popular; pre... ――prevail; predominant; presentation; prevailing; prevalent; rife; running; trendy; widespread
- 不合常规的做法 an irregular practice situation
- 改变老一套的做法 change outmoded methods
- 工业中过时的做法 outworn practices in industry
- 令人憎恶的做法 abhorrent practice
- 亲力亲为的做法 do it yourselfery
- 倾弃核废料的做法 nuclear-waste dumping practices
- 我欣赏你的做法 i like the way you handled that
- 对某人的做法表示不满 showing dissatisfaction with someones actionss
- 收取非金钱利益的做法 nbsp; soft dollar practice
- 不流行的 out of fashion; u opular; unfashionable; unpopular
- 不再流行的 obsolete dated; outmoded
- 创流行的人 fashionmonger; faxhionmonger
- 大流行的 pandemic