有害 harmful; pernicious; detrimental 对健康有害 harmful to one's health; 土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。 lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.; 有害废物 harmful waste; 有害粉尘 harmful dust; 有害气体 harmful gas; pernicious gases
成为 become; turn into; prove to be 成为事实 come true; 他已经成为一名熟练的工人。 he has become a skilled worker
认为有 attach … to …: consider to have connect with; to ascribe or assign
有害的 adverse; bad; baleful; banefulness; deleteriois; deleterious; destructive; detrimental; disadvantageous; economic; harmful (adj); harmful a. damaging; harmgul; hurtful; ill; inimicable; insalubrious; maleficent; malign; mischievous; nocent; nocuous; noisome; noxious beneficial; noxious---harmful to living things; injurious to health; objectionable; obnoxious; pernicious; pestilential; poisonous; prejudicial; social evil; socialevil; toxic - beneficial
Better think twice before soothing those aching muscles in a whirlpool bath or hot tub . a new study shows that whirlpool bathtubs can be a breeding ground for a host of disease - causing bacteria 但美国一项最新研究显示,涡流按摩浴缸可成为有害细菌的孳生地,因此那些按摩浴钟爱者最好对这个问题进行重新考虑。