

  • slow wave line
  • slow-wave line



  • 例句与用法
  • The advance of new slow - wave structure for high - power twt
  • So , one can conveniently design a high performance sinuous feed rapidly following the steps in this paper
  • In the optimized structure , a very small magnetic field is needed to make most of electrons pass through the slow wave line
  • The results of calculation and experiment indicate that the coupler is excellent in the chacteristics . on the other hand , the coupling degree can be enhanced by the method of enlarging the slot
    提出了加感性匹配圆棒的大窗口h t耦合器的设计,以满足慢波线中部分对耦合要求较强的需要。
  • Various methods for solving these problems are described . the design method of a serpentine feed is presented systematically . the key components are designed and calculated in detail
  • The formulas and steps for designing a waveguide serpentine feed is presented . in particularly , the method of key components is given . the effect of all components to the phase and reflection of the system is analyzed
  • The impedance match must be extremely good because at the frequency that the antenna beam ~ vork on the broad - side position , the reflcctions from all the bends add in phase to produce a large input vswr . in addition , a poor design of thc bends leads to high - power breakdown
    慢波线中使用了大量的波导e面180弯头,系统对其驻波特性提出极高的要求,文中用高频仿真软件( hfss )优化设计了波导e面180弯头。
  • Finally , in view of the absorbed po ~ ver of the terminated load and the realizablity of couplers , a proper eclectic distribution of coupling degree of couplers is computed synthetically . 2 . a small , light , compact , ~ vide band and high performance h - t coupler with lognitudinal dualslot is presented
  • A analysis of these effect to the pattern is presented . in the mean time , the method of correcting the phase errors is given by shortening or lengthening the section of sinuous feed line between couplers from the normal value . 6 . the reflection characteristic of a serpentine is analyzed where the coupler is replaced by the equivalent of two ports loss network
  • The author ? major contributions are as follows . 1 . with the performance requirement ( the pattern of the antenna , the rang of scanning angle , the maximal sidelcbe level and the beam ~ vidth ) givcn , a method is presented to determine the basic parameters of a serpentine feed , which includes the distance and ~ vaveguide length bet ~ veeii t ~ vo couplers , the size of the arrays and the number of components
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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