感觉 1.(对客观事物的反映) sense perception; sensation; feeling; aesthesis; aesthema; aesthesia; tabet 唤起令人愉快的感觉 awake a pleasant sensation; 脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。 working with one's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work. 我突然有种奇异的感觉。 strange feelings suddenly came over me. 天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。 a high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness.2.(觉得) feel; perceive; become aware of 你感觉怎么样? how do you feel now? 我在等待的时候, 感觉到房子里发生了什么事。 as i waited, i became aware of something happening in the house
It began with this numbness, as if she could no longer feel or fight . 起初是一种感觉上的麻木,好像她从此再也没有了知觉,再也不能奋发向上了。
I often think that after forty one can't really feel. the freshness, the quickness have certainly gone . 我常常想,过了四十岁,一个人就不可能真正有所感受了。感觉上的新鲜感,灵敏感,无疑已一去不复返。
We are accustomed by now in literature to the equation of one sense with another, or to be told that human behaviour is frequently cruel and irrational . 我们现在已经习惯于文学作品中描写感觉上的亦此亦彼,对人类行为往往残酷而无理性的说法也司空见惯了。
It feels like he ' s using us for his own purposes 感觉上是他为了自己的目的利用我们
- what are you doing ? - does he feel bloated -你在干什么? -是不是感觉上有些浮肿?
What are you doing ? - does he feel bloated -你在干什么? -是不是感觉上有些浮肿?
Age is a matter of feeling , not of years 年纪只是感觉上的问题,而不是年岁上的问题。
Justin you know , just through feel . no , l wouldn ' t - no 知道吗,感觉上不,我不是的,不
It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith 感觉上我们好像已从天底走到了天顶。