He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent . 他感到她的肩膀因为不同意而动了一下。
Will he reserve his anger for ever ? will he keep it to the end ? behold , thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest 5耶和华岂永远怀怒,存留到底吗。看哪,你又发恶言又行坏事,随自己的私意而行(或作你虽这样说还是行恶放纵欲心) 。
Will he be angry for ever ? will he keep his wrath to the end ? these things you have said , and have done evil and have had your way 耶和华岂永远怀怒,存留到底吗?看哪,你又发恶言又行坏事,随自己的私意而行(或作你虽这样说还是行恶放纵欲心) 。
He had the air of a man who has not time to think of the impression he is making on others , and is absorbed in work , both agreeable and interesting 他那种神态,就像某人没有时间去想他对旁人产生什么印象,而只是忙着干一件悦意而饶有兴趣的活儿似的。
Yang cihu ' s ideas are outspreaded with the core of " mind only in universe " and " no sense " , which not only inherited the essence of lu - xiangshan ' s theory of mind , but elicited wang - yangming ' s thoughts much 摘要杨慈湖思想以天下惟心、毋意而展开,不仅继承了陆象山心学之精髓,而且对王阳明颇有启发。
First laid out in 1509 ad , the garden s scenery is focused on a central pond with various buildings of pavilions , terraces , chambers and towers located by the water or on hillocks in a natural , unsophisticated , and appropriate composition . the garden is most representative of chinese classical gardens in the ming dynasty . the humble administrator s garden covers 4 hectares in northeast suzhou 拙政园座落在苏州城东北部,是苏州明代古园,始建于1509年,明正德年间,园主王献臣取晋代潘岳闲居赋中“筑室种树,灌园鬻蔬,是亦拙者之为政也”之意而命名。