- repent and change one's errors
- 悔罪 show repentance; show penite ...
- 改过 mend one's ways; correct one ...
- 悔罪 show repentance; show penitence 悔罪改过 repent and change one's errors [mend one's way]
- 改过 mend one's ways; correct one's mistakes 他确有改过表现。 he has really corrected his mistakes
- 悔罪服 sanbenito
- 悔罪席 a stool of repentance; stool of repentance
- 悔罪者 penitent
- 改过的 penitentiary
- 使改过 reform
- 悔罪规则书 penitential
- 悔罪限期说 terminism
- 临终的悔罪 death-bed repentance
- 改过不嫌迟 it is never too late to mend
- 改过不嫌晚 it's never too late to mend
- 改过迁善 correct evil doings and revert to good deeds
- 改过自新 start with a clean slate; turn over a new leaf; become a new man; correct one's errors and make a fresh start; repent and reform; convert from a bad life to a good one; reform oneself; correct one's mistakes and turn over a new leaf; mend one's ways and start anew
- 改过自新的 regenerate
- 迁善改过 change one's evil ways and reform; reform and become good
- 修改过的 amended
- 修改过来的 picodrive smartphone
- 勇于改过 be bold enough to reform
- 直到你改过 until you're reformed
- 悔罪者可得到赦免 remission of sins is promised to those who repent
- 不改过自新的 unregenerate
- 改过行善的人 penitent