

  • Ⅰ动词
    (放纵; 没有拘束) do as one pleases; throw off restraint; indulge oneself
    [方言] (舒服) comfortable



  • 例句与用法
  • Citizens are secure in their regional identity
  • What ' s your name ? sook - ja ? sook - ja , right
  • Sow the same seed of rapacious licence and oppression over again , and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind
  • She was unable to assume the manner that would have made her absurd ; and moved on , thrilling with excitement , and trying with all her might simply to conceal it
  • While there is no evidence that it is possible to catch bird flu from eating chicken , consumers in asia stayed away from chicken when the bird flu epidemic spread across several asian countries
  • The occasion is therefore called " bathing - buddha festival " . during the festival , alms are given to monks and rites are held to remember the dead - giving alms to " starving souls " and burning paperboats - which are believed to be a way of releasing souls from purgatory
    每逢此节,九华山寺院僧侣及信徒供佛拜忏自,还举行拜“梁皇忏”拜“地藏忏” ,超度祖先和十方饿鬼。
  • When you go out and take a walk in these parts , whether up the mountain or down the valley , on a sunny early evening in may , like you are going to attend a lovely party , as you are walking to a fruitgarden , every tree there is hanging full of the most poetic fruits , if you just stand and watch and are still not content , you only have to reach out your hand and grab , you can taste its freshness , enough to intoxicate your mind
  • 其他语种释义
  • 恣的法语:动 se donner toute licence
  • 恣的日语:恣zì ほしいまま.わがまま.気まま. 等同于(请查阅)恣肆 sì . 【熟語】放恣
  • 恣的韩语:(1)[동사] 제멋대로 굴다. 방자하다. 방종하다. 마음 내키는 대로 하다. 恣意; 활용단어참조 恣杀牲禽; 함부로 짐승을 죽이다 得以自恣; 기분 내키는 대로 할 수 있다 (2)[동사]【문어】 하고 싶은 대로 맡기다. (3)(儿) [형용사]【방언】 편안하다. 쾌적하다. 透恣; 매우 편안하다 恣得很; 매우 편안하다
  • 恣的俄语:[zì] тк. в соч. своевольничать; своевольный - 恣意
  • 恣什么意思:zī ㄗˉ 1)放纵,无拘束:~意。~肆。~睢。~情。~行无忌。 2)方言,舒服:透~。睡得真~。 ·参考词汇: do as one pleases 跋扈自恣 恣睢 恣凶稔恶 暴戾恣睢 恣情纵欲 恣肆 恣睢无忌 恣行无忌 恣意 跋扈恣睢 恣心所欲 恣心纵欲 恣无忌惮 恣情 放恣 恣意妄为
  • 推荐英语阅读
恣的英文翻译,恣英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译恣,恣的英文意思,恣的英文恣 meaning in English恣的英文恣怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
