With the high frequency trend of power electronic technique development , the switching power diodes must be conducted and turn off very fast , that is , the diodes should have short reverse recovery time , low peak reverse current and soft recovery characteristics 电力电子技术高频化的发展趋势要求功率开关二极管必须具有快速开通和高速关断的能力,即具有短的反向恢复时间( t _ ( rr ) ) ,较小的反向恢复电流( i _ ( rm ) )和软恢复特性。
This method can effectively compensate the current error caused by magnetizing current at power frequency . 3 ) because most current transformers have the turn compensation , the characteristic of which was analyzed and the anti - turn compensation model was adopted to offset the action for current transformer with turn compensation ( 3 )针对电力系统中大部分互感器都采用了匝数补偿的特点,分析了匝数补偿的特点,采用了反匝数补偿方法,以抵消匝数补偿对电流互感器误差特性的影响,恢复电流互感器原有误差特性,确保基于物理相似原理有源补偿方法的补偿效果。