元气 vitality; vigour; archaeus; [中医] promordial qi; spirit 恢复元气 regain one's strength; 保存元气 preserve vigour; 海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。 the gulf war has cost iraq dearly.; iraq has been drained of its strength by the gulf war.; the gulf war has sapped iraqi vitality badly
They all sat down in the ditch, except the children, to recover from the shock . 除了孩子们外,大家都在沟里坐了下来,以便在丧魂落魄之后能恢复恢复元气。
Leaves and twigs have high concentration of nutrients that, if left in the forest, revitalize the soil . 树叶和细枝具有更多的营养成分,若将它们留在森林,可使土壤恢复元气。
Yet he hardly expected the germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on the western front . 可是他万万没有料到,德军竟能重整旗鼓,恢复元气,发动一次令人震惊的奇袭,猛扑西线。
It took my dad a while to snap back from his hip operation 我爸爸做了腰部手术后,花了一段时间恢复元气。
Madden , t . lenehan , very sad for a racinghorse he fancied and stephen d . leop 利奥波布卢姆原为解乏而来,现已略恢复元气。
His ideas about revitalizing the company ' s activities are like a breath of fresh air 他使公司恢复元气活动的意见如同一股新鲜空气,令人耳目一新。
Actress mai phuong , " i was feeling tired but when i came in here i felt good again 电影明星梅芳:本来觉得很累,但是来这里之后我却马上恢复元气!
The banking sector in asia , devastated by the asian financial crisis , has not fully recovered 经历金融危机劫难后,亚洲的银行体系仍未完全恢复元气。
Take good care of my heart , and i will leave you never if you take good care forever 如果爱情会让人脆弱无力朋友却可以让人恢复元气不用怀疑你就是有这