- [书面语] (淡然置之, 不加理会) treat with indiference; take things coolly; neglect
- 恚 名词[书面语] (愤怒; 怨恨) anger 既愧且恚 shamed and angered
- 恝 [书面语]Ⅰ动词(不经心; 无动于衷) neglect; pay no attention toⅡ形容词(无忧虑) unconcerned; without care or worry
- 恚膈 dyspepsia due to mental overstrain
- 怼 名词[书面语] (怨恨) rancour; resentment
- 恧 形容词[书面语] (惭愧) feel ashamed
- 忐忑不安的刺客 fidgity assassin
- 恁 恁代词[方言]1.(那么; 那样) such; so 恁大胆! how reckless!; what audacity!2.(那) that 恁时 at that time
- 忐忑不安, 紧张如坐针毡 on nettles
- 恁大胆 how reckless
- 忐忑不安 be very upset; be in fidgets; be in a rather nervous state; be on nettles; be overwhelmed with anxiety; be thrown into [put in; put into] a flutter; feel troubled and uneasy; fret and fume; ill at ease; nervous and uneasy; uneasy at heart
- 恝置的日语:〈書〉平然として顧みない.うっちゃっておく.
- 恝置的韩语:[동사]【문어】 방치(放置)하다. 내버려 두다. 恝置不顾; 방치하여 돌보지 않다
- 恝置的俄语:pinyin:jiázhì пренебрегать, относиться с пренебрежением
- 恝置什么意思:jiázhì 〈书〉淡然置之,不加理会。