By this sacrifice unto the supreme lord the demigods are propitiated ; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings 通过向至尊主做出奉爱,半人神被赎了罪;被赎了罪的半人神,会与你互恕罪过,那么你就会得到无上的福赐
" sire , " said villefort , " i will render a faithful report to your majesty , but i must entreat your forgiveness if my anxiety leads to some obscurity in my language . “陛下, ”维尔福说, “我向您保证献上一份可靠的情报,假如由于我很焦急而出现有些地方语无伦次,请陛下恕罪。 ”
We all profess the christian law of forgiveness of sins and love for ones neighbourthe law , in honour of which we have raised forty times forty churches in moscowbut yesterday we knouted to death a deserter ; and the minister of that same law of love and forgiveness , the priest , gave the soldier the cross to kiss before his punishment 我们都信守基督教教规恕罪爱他人,为此在莫斯科建立了四十个教区的四十座教堂,可是昨天就有一名逃兵被鞭笞致死,在宣布极刑前,那个爱与恕的教规的执行人神甫,叫那名士兵亲吻十字架。 ”
" ground arms , " exclaimed the chief , with an imperative sign of the hand , while with the other he took off his hat respectfully ; then , turning to the singular personage who had caused this scene , he said , " your pardon , your excellency , but i was so far from expecting the honor of a visit , that i did not really recognize you . “枪放下! ”首领一边喊,一边作了一个威严的手势,并和其余那些人一样恭恭敬敬地摘下了他的帽子,然后转向造成这幕场面的那位奇人,说道, “请您恕罪,伯爵阁下,我因绝没想到大人的光临,所以才没有认出您来。 ”