- forgive me for not having accompanied you
- 恕 forgive; pardon; excuse
- 未 did not; have not
- 奉陪 keep sb. company
- 奉陪 keep sb. company 恕不奉陪。 sorry, i won't be able to keep you company. 她不喜欢由异性奉陪。 she does not enjoy the company of the opposite sex
- 未奉命的 unbidden
- 未奉准的 na
- 奉陪到底 keep sb. company to the end; keep sb. company and fight to the finish; take on sb. to the end; take sb. on right to very end
- 您奉陪结束 do you fight it to the end
- 恕不奉陪 i'm sorry but i cannot keep you company.; excuse me for not keeping you company.; sorry, i won't be able to keep you company
- 随时奉陪 tell me when
- 斜面奉陪 cant fight it
- 江湖主题曲-一于奉陪 sz gk rmx
- 这回我可不奉陪了 ditch you now
- 航海历;未奉准的;未授权的 na
- 她不喜欢由异性奉陪 she does not enjoy the company of the opposite sex
- 恕我不能赞同 i beg to differ; i beg to disagree; i leave to differ
- 恕人恕己 forgive others as you do [forgive] yourself
- 恕我打扰 excuse my troubling you
- 恕清 hirokiyo
- 恕我冒昧 saving your presence
- 恕平 johei
- 恕我冒昧提出这些问题 excuse me for my abrupt questions
- 恕难从命 we regret that we cannot comply with your wishes
- 恕我冒撞 pardon me for intruding
- 恕连 yoshitsura