

音标:[ hénghéshāshù ]   发音:
  • as numerous as the sands of the ganges; be numberless as the sands; countless; innumberable



  • 例句与用法
  • One of the many . for everything there are innumerable causal factors
  • M : one of the many . for everything there are innumerable causal factors
  • There , money , in different forms , is everywhere , available in abundance , easily within reach
  • With thousands of investment options in the marketplace , it is not easy deciding where and how you should invest next
  • Blood fury : it has been confirmed , shadow sister . they are besieged , and thralasai ' s forces too numerous to count
  • Hen were in the higher dimensions , we see everything in the innumerable worlds emerge and disappear in a fraction of a moment , just like bubbles
  • Some worlds are more backward than ours . some are not so backward but neither are they civilized . some are more technologically advanced but they differ from this planet in their way of life and spiritual level
  • As these two men swap positions on camera and behind it - sometimes shooting one another simultaneously - the film explores the specifics of this particular father son dynamic , while also revealing more universal truths about how our parents teach us to see the world , and how legacies , both personal and artistic , are created
  • This might be only one of the great demonstrations of master s power . i dare not keep it private . i hope that what i myself experienced and saw can be a witness to master s power , thereby helping to strengthen the faith of our fellow practitioners and bearing testimony to the fact that master s every word and action indeed affirm the saying , " enlightened master tells no lies "
  • Between midnight and dawn , when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache , i often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people , all numbered and registered , with not a gleam of genius anywhere , not an original mind , a rich personality on the whole packed globe
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 恒河沙数的日语:〈成〉恒河沙[ごうがしゃ].数が非常に多い形容.▼仏教経典からきた言葉.“恒河”はガンジス川.
  • 恒河沙数的韩语:【성어】 갠지즈 강의 무수한 모래; 무한히 많은 수량. =[【약칭】 恒沙]
  • 恒河沙数的俄语:pinyin:hénghéshāshù числом равный песчинкам на берегах Ганга (обр. в знач.: бесчисленный, бессчётный)
  • 恒河沙数什么意思:héng hé shā shǔ 【解释】象恒河里的沙粒一样,无法计算。形容数量很多。 【出处】《金刚经·无为福胜分第十一》:“以七宝满尔所恒河沙数三千大世界,以用布施。” 【示例】吾愿~仙人,并遣娇女,婚嫁人间,则贫穷海中,少苦众生矣。(清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·凤仙》) 【拼音码】hhss 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容数量很多而无法计算 【英文】countless like t...
  • 推荐英语阅读
恒河沙数的英文翻译,恒河沙数英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译恒河沙数,恒河沙数的英文意思,恒河沙數的英文恒河沙数 meaning in English恒河沙數的英文恒河沙数怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
